Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Down & Dirty

This week is all about rolling up my sleeves and getting dirty with revisions for "Big Joe". It's been quite the task just getting the story organized. While I did not write this novel in scenes (versus chapters) like the last novel, there are a number of scenes that will need to be dropped in to maintain the cohesiveness of the story.

I always used to write chronologically from chapter 1 to THE END in days past. Boring, I know. These two novels have been experiments and I've been challenged to write scenes instead of chronologically. I've enjoyed the exercise and I'm sure I'll continue to write stories in this fashion in the future.

I always used to consider myself a plot first type of writer but these two novels have been evidence of my ability to be a pantster as well. I guess I'll consider that a positive and chalk it up to my "flexibility" as a writer. It will be easier to judge the success once I have a finished product.

This week it's all about getting organized: putting the story in order; cutting out non-essential parts and beginning a quick read-through edit-as-I-go revision. I'll let you know the level of success next week.

What are you working on this week? Have you ventured outside your comfort zone with your style?

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