Monday, May 28, 2012

A Memorial Day Tribute

I will be attending the annual American Legion Memorial Day service later this morning come rain or shine. It's become a family tradition and I enjoy it more each year. I'm a Legion member and prior service veteran but I don't intend to toot my own horn. I was honored to serve.

I want to remember those faithful, courageous, honorable souls who sacrificed their lives for a belief in something greater than themselves. Their sacrifice preserved something precious, something the world had never before witnessed. They believed the people of their country were worth it.

From the American Revolution where patriots shed the chains of an oppressive monarchy; to World War II where the free world united against a common and diabolical evil; to the present day. We've lost many a good man and woman, often very young where the only significant part of life they've experienced is the face of war and death.

This Memorial Day take the time to remember those who paid the ultimate price for what they believed in. They believed that sacrifice to be necessary to sustain a nation and those very beliefs. Remember.


  1. Wonderful, honorable tribute, Kirk. Thank you for this.

    1. It's very important to me that we don't forget our past, Nicole.
